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Table 3 Distribution of AGT M235 T, AGTR1 A1166C, and ACE ID genotypes according to systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the study population

From: Renin-angiotensin system gene polymorphisms and high blood pressure in Lithuanian children and adolescents




SBP (mmHg)

DBP (mmHg)

SBP (mmHg)

DBP (mmHg)


AGT, M235 T genotypes, mean (SD)


139.56 (10.69)

68.35 (8.16)

112.57 (6.62)

62.65 (7.61)


138.72 (10.92)

69.07 (8.47)

111.65 (8.50)

61.03 (7.25)


139.32 (11.94)

67.11 (7.04)

109.71 (7.68)

61.41 (6.47)

AGTR1, A1166C genotypes, mean (SD)


138.30 (9.82)

69.15 (7.98)

109.87 (7.95)

61.25 (7.23)


139.77 (11.76)a

67.82 (8.18)

112.74 (7.58)

62.11 (7.24)


141.11 (14.54)

66.19 (7.29)

111.15 (7.34)

61.59 (5.62)

ACE, ID genotypes, mean (SD)


135.33 (8.22)

68.55 (7.69)

110.96 (7.39)

62.45 (8.03)


139.90 (12.28)b

68.55 (8.33)

110.38 (8.71)

60.87 (6.74)


140.21 (8.99)

67.65 (7.65)

112.56 (7.05)

61.40 (6.95)


AGT, M235 T genotypes, mean (SD)


133.20 (10.21)

73.64 (8.43)

111.38 (7.27)

63.73 (5.19)


133.26 (9.31)

73.16 (7.11)

110.60 (6.31)

62.24 (6.22)


131.56 (6.06)

70.72 (8.63)

110.08 (8.10)

62.96 (6.70)

AGTR1, A1166C genotypes, mean (SD)


133.49 (9.62)

72.13 (7.36)

110.31 (6.86)

63.09 (6.38)


133.44 (8.59)

74.21 (7.87)

111.03 (7.35)

62.49 (5.98)


128.00 (5.47)

71.95 (9.77)

111.44 (4.78)

62.62 (4.14)

ACE, ID genotypes, mean (SD)


132.72 (7.49)

71.89 (7.55)

111.45 (7.88)

62.69 (7.01)


133.39 (9.47)

72.42 (7.29)

110.83 (6.25)

62.75 (5.36)


132.49 (9.89)

74.54 (8.65)

109.58 (7.30)

62.97 (6.51)

  1. Abbreviations: NBP normal blood pressure, HBP high blood pressure, SBP systolic blood pressure, DBP diastolic blood pressure, AGT angiotensinogen, AGTR1 angiotensin II receptor 1, ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme
  2. a p < 0.05 between AGTR1 AC vs. AGTR1 AA in boys with HBP (t test)
  3. b p < 0.05 between ACE ID vs. ACE II in boys with HBP (t test)