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Fig. 5 | BMC Medical Genetics

Fig. 5

From: The importance of distinguishing between the odds ratio and the incidence rate ratio in GWAS

Fig. 5

Comparison of p-values from the simulations. The scenario D (from Fig. 3 and Fig. 4) is displayed. The three subfigures represent the IRR for disease equal to 1.0, 1.1 and 1.7 respectively. Each subfigure is two Manhattan plots consisting of –log transformed p-values from all 30,000 simulations. Above the solid black line at 0 is the –log transformed p-values from the classical case-control study and below is the –log transformed p-values from the incidence density sampling. The different colours indicate a parameter change in the MAF and the light grey vertical lines indicate the change in the IRR of death. The horizontal dashed lines indicate the genome-wide significance level of 5 · 10−8

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