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Figure 2 | BMC Medical Genetics

Figure 2

From: A detailed Hapmap of the Sitosterolemia locus spanning 69 kb; differences between Caucasians and African-Americans

Figure 2

GOLD plot of pair-wise Δ 2 values for SNPs in Caucasians and African-Americans. As a pictorial depiction of LD at the STSL, GOLD plots for Caucasians (panel A) and African-Americans (panel B) were plotted. Note the differences in the color scales between the two panels shown on the right-hand side of each plot. Overall, a small area of LD was present in the Caucasian sample, as shown by the increased red intensity, almost all of this was accounted for an area involving intron 1. For African-Americans, very little LD was present (compare the GOLD plots with Table 4).

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